Strategic Management Consultants

Your Resource for Competitive Advantage

Our team of highly qualified consultants at RBV Consulting Group specialise in all aspects of strategic management. Headquartered in Sydney Australia, RBV Consulting Group is able to advise the smallest of start-ups to the largest of private, state-owned and multilateral organisations.

The firm is composed of subject matter experts in a range of areas related to the discipline of strategic management. This means when you engage us, we guarantee to bring comprehensive knowledge and experience to each situation, along with a tailored approach to your individual needs and objectives.

Whether you are a founder, President, CEO and director or are from private enterprise, venture capital, private equity, corporate advisory or government, our goal is to identify problems well before you encounter them, and then future proof those from similar problems arising again. We pride ourselves on protecting and enhancing your investments with the ultimate goal of ensuring your business endeavours thrive.


“A strategy is a well-thought-out plan for an ideal state that helps a company achieve a competitive advantage over its rivals and gain superior profitability while minimising effort, resources, time, and negative the impacts on the business.”

— RBV Consulting Group’s working definition

Our S3 Model



The first component of our S3 Model is the situation analyses of your organisation and its business environment. Utilising business analytics and supported by quantitative and qualitative research, we effectively harness the power of hindsight and provide the transparency needed, making our strategic assessment richer and deeper, and directing you to where value sits.



The second component of our S3 Model is your strategy formulation, courtesy of our situation analyses. Against your current organisational make-up, we can come up with multiple scenarios that seek efficiency dividends, growth options, agile solutions and capability pivoting. To ensure its success, we empower the necessary stakeholders while designing an easy-to-implement execution plan.



The third component of our S3 Model is support in your strategy implementation, where we together introduce the new strategy, which we design for your success. Along its implementation path we provide crucial change leadership, from direct execution by us to independence for your organisation.

Our measure of success is when you no longer need us.

– RBV Consulting Group


Get in Touch

The greatest impost any organisation faces is the cost of inaction.

Get in touch with us and let’s discuss how we can find your competitive advantage.